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[2018] Learn WordPress Free – Step by Step Tutorial Collection

Learn WordPress Free with our carefully chosen beginner-friendly tutorials

WordPress is one of the best CMS right now in the world. It’s easy, fast and easy to customize. There are also millions of themes and plugins available for WordPress. However, learning WordPress from the beginning can be hard. I have prepared a small step by step learning syllabus which you can follow to up your learn WordPress free gradually.

Just follow these tutorials and you would be able to slowly grasp the context of CMS, WordPress and how WordPress has changed the game for the web industry. About 30% of websites nowadays use WordPress to power their websites including top names like BBC, Microsoft, Facebook, Mercedez Benz.

If you find yourself thinking why should I use WordPress? then you’ve come to the right place. You have taken to ask this question that means you have at least some knowledge on WordPress. But that doesn’t mean you’ve completely learned the ins and out of WordPress.

Therefore, we’d like to break down the benefits of using WordPress for you and give you a complete tutorial list to learn WordPress free of charge.

8 Reasons to Choose WordPress as a CMS

Everything from Wix has wonderful tools for certain skill levels, but we’re going to explain why you should use WordPress over all of them.

  1. WordPress is free and open-source
  2. It supports many media types
  3. It is customizable.
  4. WordPress has a huge developer and user community.
  5. You can customize with themes and plugins
  6. Doing SEO is easy.
  7. You have full control of your website
  8. Everyone is doing it

Step by Tutorial to Learn WordPress Free

  1. What is WordPress? Why Businesses use WordPress?
  2. How to create a blog in minutes?
  3. How to install WordPress on localhost using WAMP or XAMP?
  4. How to install WordPress on cPanel?
  5. WordPress Posts vs Pages
  6. What are WordPress themes? How to install one?
  7. What are WordPress widgets? How to add Widgets?
  8. What are WordPress tags? How it affects SEO
  9. How to manage WordPress Security like a Pro?

Also, you need to choose a great web hosting to run WordPress like a pro. Learn the basic difference between WordPress Hosting vs Other Hosting

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সাইফ দি বস ৭

By সাইফ দি বস ৭

পুরো নাম সাইফ হাসান। ছোটকাল থেকেই প্রযুক্তি, কম্পিউটার সম্পর্কিত বিষয়ে প্রচুর আগ্রহ এবং কৌতূহল। বর্তমানে কর্মরত আছেন উইডেভস এর লিড প্রোডাক্ট ম‍্যানেজার হিসেবে। এর আগে তিনি পপটিন (Poptin) এবং প্রিমিও (Premio) এর প্রোডাক্ট ম্যানেজার হিসেবে কাজ করেছেন। হিউম্যান সেন্টার্ড ডিজাইন, প্রোডাক্ট ম্যানেজমেন্ট, ডিজাইন থিংকিং, ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস, SaaS, আইওএস, এন্ড্রয়েড, উইন্ডোজসহ টেকনোলজির সাথে যুক্ত থেকে কাজের মধ‍্যে ব্যস্ত থাকতে পছন্দ করেন।

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